Information about the Alpha IP app

We would like to inform you that we have discontinued support for our Alpha IP App. From now on we recommend that you use the official Homematic IP app for your Homematic IP products.

There are more informations here.

Aviso legal

Responsable del contenido: Möhlenhoff GmbH
Museumstr. 54a
38229 Salzgitter
Teléfono: +49 53 41 / 8475-0
Telefax: +49 53 41 / 8475-999
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CEO: Frank Geburek, Ingeniero Diplomado (TH), Director General
Stefan Söllner, Licenciado en Física, Director General
Registro mercantil: Amtsgericht Braunschweig
Número de registro: HRB 6042
Número de identificación fiscal según la Ley del IVA § 27 a: DE116880420